Jun 9Liked by Reformed Patriot


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Bruce Gore helped me a lot on these topics - The Fall of Jerusalem and the Apocalypse


"It is important to remember that Judaism is not Old Testament religion, but rather a rejection of the Biblical faith altogether in favor of the Pharisaical, Talmudic heresy. Like Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Unification Church, and other cults, it claims to be based on the Bible; but its actual authority comes from the traditions of men. Jesus was quite clear: Judaism denies Christ because it denies Moses. Orthodox Christianity alone is the true continuation and fulfillment of Old Testament religion (see Matt. 5:17-20; 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-13; Luke 16:29-31; John 5:45-47; 8:42-47).”

-- David Chilton, Paradise Restored, Ch.20

"The coming of Christ in A.D.70 was a coming in judgment on the Jewish nation, indicating the end of the Jewish age and the fulfillment of a day of the Lord. Jesus really did come in judgment at this time, fulfilling his prophecy in the Olivet Discourse."

-- R.C. Sproul, The Last Days According to Jesus, p. 158

“It has been a standard feature of Christian preaching through the ages that the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 was really God's decisive punishment of the Jewish people for their rejection of Jesus, who died around the year 30."

-- Steve Mason, Josephus and the New Testament

"The Israel of God is Jesus Christ and all those who are united to Him by faith alone. Faith in Christ, then, is what makes a person a member of the Israel of God, not mere ethnic descent. Paul confirms this elsewhere in Galatians 6:16, where he calls the Galatian church—made up predominantly of gentiles who believed in Jesus—as “the Israel of God. Blessing the Israel of God, therefore, does not mean supporting every policy of the modern nation-state of Israel. God will bless those who bless His people, the church."

-- R.C. Sproul, https://www.ligonier.org/learn/articles/bless-israel

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The church isn't plan B, but the culmination of plan A


This bears repeating


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